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Equality Policy

RLegal is committed to prevent unlawful discrimination through promoting equality and diversity so that our staff can give their best.

We would like to be representative of society as a whole and our customers, where possible.

We provide immigration services and are therefore committed against unlawful discrimination.

This policy’s purpose is to:

1. Provide equality, fairness and respect for all irrespective of position.

2. Not unlawfully discriminate because of the Equality Act 2010 protected characteristics of:

· age

· disability

· gender reassignment

· marriage and civil partnership

· pregnancy and maternity

· race (including colour, nationality, and ethnic or national origin)

· religion or belief

· sex

· sexual orientation

3. Oppose and avoid all forms of unlawful discrimination. This includes in:

· pay and benefits

· terms and conditions of employment

· dealing with grievances and discipline

· dismissal

· redundancy

· leave for parents

· requests for flexible working

· selection for employment, promotion, training or other developmental opportunities

RLegal commits to:

1. Encourage equality, diversity and inclusion

2. Create a working environment free of any form of discrimination including bullying, harassment and victimisation.

3. Take seriously complaints of discrimination

4. Offer training, development and progress available to all personnel.

5. Make decisions concerning staff being based on merit

6. Review employment practices and procedures.

7. Monitor the make-up of the workforce

We asked our workforce to provide personal information relating to orientation, but they opted not to do so, which we respect.

RLegal have 5 personnel:

·       1 can be described as white, British

·       3 can be described as white, British with a parent who was not from the UK

·       1 can be described as Asian, British with a parent who was not from the UK.

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