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Immigration Appeals

Administrative Review

If your application for a visa has been rejected, our team of lawyers can assist with lodging an immigration appeal against the decision. The immigration lawyers at RLegal solicitors have successfully represented clients in relation to immigration appeals for over three decades before the:

  • First-tier Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum)
  • the Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber);
  • the Court of Appeal and Supreme Court; and
  • challenged Home Office decisions cases by way of Judicial Review in the Upper Tribunal and the High Court. 

For those considering lodging an immigration appeal against the refusal of an immigration visa, advice from a lawyer should be sought at the earliest opportunity, as strict time limits to lodge the appeal start from the date of service of the refusal.

Restriction on appeal rights

The Immigration Act 2014 restricted the right for an individual refused a visa to seek judicial redress through a statutory right of appeal to an independent judge against the Home Office's decision. So it is important to first establish whether an individual can lodge an appeal against the immigration decision taken. 

Who has a right of appeal

The statutory rights to appeal an immigration decision are preserved for:

  1. human rights cases, protection claims and revocation of those with protection status
  2. EU Family Permits through the EUSS
  3. those otherwise refused through the EUSS.

Certification of an immigration appeal

The Home Office can restrict the right to an immigration appeal by 'certifying' it as 'unfounded'. Although there is no statutory right to an independent immigration appeal process, it may still be possible to challenge the certification through the legal remedy of Judicial Review, used where there are no statutory appeal rights.

Administrative review

To compensate for the removal of statutory rights of appeal to an immigration judge, the Home Office introduced the legal process of 'Administrative Review' (AR)

Please see our page on AR as we focus on the statutory right to an immigration appeal here.  

Process through a statutory right of appeal

The immigration appeal will normally be submitted online.

The time limits to appeal are:

  • 14 days for those refused within the UK
  • 28 days for those refused who are outside the UK.

The fees are:

  • £80 to have the case decided with just paper or written evidence or
  • £140 for an in person before an immigration judge.

It is therefore very important to lodge the immigration appeal within the correct time frame and with the appropriate documentation.

The First Tier Tribunal will then take over the timetable for the case to be heard and will issue directions to ensure both parties are prepared for the hearing. The immigration appeals process is subject to rules of procedure which must be adhered to, non-compliance with which can result in consequences for the relevant party.

The hearing itself will be heard before an independent immigration appeal judge with examination and cross examination of witnesses, submission of legal arguments and summing up of the case.

Preserving immigration rights through appeals

An individual who makes an immigration application prior to the expiry of their visa, and the Administrative Review application within the legal time limits, may preserve their immigration status whilst the immigration appeal is pending, however they cannot vary their leave into another immigration category.

Preserving immigration status through an appeal is important as it can, where relevant, enable an individual to continue working whilst the immigration appeal is pending hearing by the First-tier Tribunal.

It is also important to consider pursuing an AR application where available, a failure to do so may have negative consequences if an individual then decides to seek Judicial Review of the initial decision later.

Judicial Review

Judicial Review is a legal process whereby an individual who has received a negative decision by a public body can institute legal proceedings to have the matter reviewed by the High Court or Court of Appeal and possibly the Supreme Court.

In immigration cases Judicial Reviews are usually initiated against a Home Office decision such as: where there the only appeal right was Administrative Review and this has been exhausted or a person is served with a negative decision having been whilst in decision, where an immigration decision is certified by the Home Office has ‘unfounded’ or against a negative decision made by the First-tier tribunal in relation to an immigration case.

However, the grounds to seek Judicial Review are limited to the following:

·       illegality – the decision taken was outside the application law

·       irrationality – the decision was not reasonable

·       failure to follow procedure

·       breach of legitimate expectation – where one has been created

·       breach of human rights.

In most immigration matters, Judicial Review applications are normally made to the Upper Tribunal (Immigration & Asylum Chamber).

An application for Judicial Review should only be contemplated where the merits are good as it is difficult to succeed with such an application, is time consuming, legally challenging and can be expensive as costs can be awarded against the losing party. Lodging an application for Judicial Review are subject to rules and must be followed.

The time limit to lodge an application for Judicial Review is 3 months from the date of decision and it is important to file by this timeline.

Prior to filing an application for Judicial Review a prospective litigant must serve what is known as a ‘Pre Action Protocol’ on the decision maker outlining their basis of challenging the decision with supporting documentation in a succinct way. In the event a decision-making body maintains its position usually the Home Office or the Upper Tribunal in immigration cases, the litigant should proceed to file the action for Judicial Review but within the 3-month time limit. 

RLegal have represented clients in applications for Judicial Review applications for more than two decades. In our experience filing an action for Judicial Review should only taken where there are good reasons to do so and there is a chance of a positive outcome.

How RLegal can assist with an immigration appeal

It is important to have your case fully assessed and appeal the immigration decision within the prescribed time limits and with the relevant information where available.

RLegal can assist with the preparation of an immigration appeal, AR or JR application and the presentation of the case before the First-tier Tribunal, the Upper Tribunal or the High Court or Supreme Court where necessary.

We have over 20 years experience of filing successful UK immigration appeals before the First-tier Tribunal and higher courts against visa refusals. We will provide a full legal assessment of your case and advise during a difficult and distressing process.

In some cases it may be better to submit a fresh application as opposed to appealing the decision, but this will depend on the circumstances.

Please note this firm does not undertake asylum appeals or Legal Aid work.

For more information on appealing an immigration decision, please contact us.

For applications made outside of the UK whether or not you are granted a right of appeal against a visa refusal will depend upon the immigration category in which you have applied.


Administrative Review

Some decisions made overseas only allow the applicant to request an internal review. If this is the case, you should consider requesting a review as this has potential for overturning the decision.


Statutory Right of Appeal

Where a statutory right of appeal has been given, the immigration appeal must be submitted within 28 days of the date of decision. This is done by completing a prescribed form stating the grounds of appeal on which the decision is disputed and providing supporting documentation.


An Entry Clearance Officer may then review the initial decision in light of the grounds of appeal and any fresh evidence that has been submitted. In limited circumstances the decision may be overturned at this point. Otherwise, the case will proceed to be listed for a hearing before an independent judge at the First Tier IAC.


The process of appealing a decision taken to refuse a visa outside the UK can take between 6-12 months or more.

Administrative Review process

The visa refusal must be challenged within 14 days of the receipt of the immigration decision or the biometric card issuing the visa. The applicant must complete and online form and pay the required fee.


Statutory Right of Appeal

For an application refused in the UK, an immigration appeal must be lodged within 10 working days of receipt of the immigration decision. The case will then proceed to be heard before an independent judge at the First Tier IAC in the UK.


The process of appealing a decision made within the UK can take between 3-6 months to resolve. An individual can remain in the UK lawfully whilst their appeal is under consideration, however, if they travel outside the UK during the process they will be deemed to have withdrawn their appeal.



Once the appeal against the visa refusal has been lodged, applicants (or appellants as they are then referred to) will be notified of a date for the hearing in the UK. At the same time, they will be invited to provide further evidence to support their case and will be given a time frame for submission of evidence. It is important that all directions from the court are strictly adhered to.


On the day of the immigration hearing, the case will be listed before an independent judge and the Home Office will be represented by a Presenting Officer. The appellant will also have the right to be represented at court. They will usually be represented by a barrister (counsel) who has been instructed by the appellant’s solicitor. Evidence will then be presented to the judge and each side will put forward legal arguments. The judge will then consider the evidence prior to issuing a decision.


Unless it is an application for bail, decisions will not normally be made on the day. The Judge should provide a written decision within 10 working days following the hearing.

Judicial review is the means by which an individual can seek redress against public bodies (such as the Home Office or the relevant Immigration Tribunal) where there are no appeal rights or any such rights have been exhausted.

An applicant must have good legal grounds to pursue such an action and adhere to strict court rules and procedures. Failure to do so can result in denial of the application, the case being struck out and perhaps worse negative cost implications. Specialist legal advice should be sought if you are at this stage.

It should also be noted that applications for Judicial Review do not allow an individual to continue working.

RLegal solicitors is regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority and we therefore have rights of audience before the High Court. We have successfully represented many clients following refusal of a visa by lodging an immigration appeal.

- Comprehensive legal advice on the merits of appealing a visa refusal.


- Provide legal advice as to whether there is an appealable immigration decision, the legal issues and any supporting evidence which is required in support.


- Formally lodging the appeal within the strict statutory time limits.


- Preparation of the grounds of appeal against the Home Office decision.


- Completion and submission of all forms and submission of the fees required to lodge the appeal.


- Assistance with compiling the evidence required to support the appeal including advice on supporting evidence, preparation of witness statements, chronologies, skeleton arguments, responses to court directions and preparation of the court bundle where required.


- Instructing counsel to represent an applicant on the day of the hearing.


- Ongoing liaison with the authorities where possible.


If you would like to discuss your UK immigration appeal case in more detail, please contact us on +44 (0)20 7038 3980, email us at or use our online enquiry form. The solicitors at RLegal have extensive experience of representing clients for Administrative Reviews, immigration appeals and Judicial Review applications. We represent clients from both within and outside of the UK and are regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority.

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