There is a range of 'permitted activities' available to a Business Visitor visa which are detailed on our visit visa page and summarised below:
These are:
- attend a meeting, conference, seminars or interview
- give a one or short series of talks provided these are 'one off' events and is not for profit
- arrange deals, negotiate or sign contracts
- attend a trade fair for promotional work with the proviso they will not sell to the public
- conduct a site visit
- undertake a fact-finding mission for overseas employment
- undertake briefings for UK customer on the proviso the work is done overseas
- undertaken remote activities in the UK provided it is not the main purpose of the visit.
The following activities are outlined in more detail on our visit page:
- intra-corporate activities
- manufacture and supply of goods to the UK
- client of UK company secondment, on the proviso the companies are not linked
- work related training
- scientists, researchers and academics to undertake related activities
- legal work/proceedings
- religious workers
- sports person and technical staff engagements
- medical treatment
- permitted paid engagements of no more than 30 days.